
My Schooling as of 2017

School Experience

In my high school years I was always ahead of the course curriculum and decided to attend a government funded high school known as the Massachusetts Academy of Math and Science. This was a school for high achievers that allowed students 1 state funded year of school at Worcester Polytechnic Institute instead of doing senior year curriculum. After graduation from the Academy I am now in the University of Massachuestts-Amherst.

Umass Amherst

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Classes: Software Engineering, Applications of Scientific Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Operating Systems, Introduction to Algorithms, Programming Methodology (C/C++), Discrete Math, Introduction to Software Engineering, Reasoning Under Uncertainty.


Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Classes: Introduction to Programming Design (Racket), Accelerated Object-Oriented Design Concepts (Java), Systems Programming Concepts (C/C++), Calculus I-IV, Digital Game Design (JavaScript).